NORMS AND PRACTICES The shouts of Hallelujah could not be over-emphasised, as it is a shout of joy for victory that has been won for us by our saviour Christ. Rev.19: 1,3,4,6. ‘After these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaving saying alleluia’ As the scriptures has it that man is created to continually give thanks and praise to God as the angels in heaven are continually singing praises to God, so the C&S Church on earth always use the shouts of Hallelujah, Hosanna and Iye as praises and worship to the true God of Israel, the great king who has saved us. Matt.21: 9&15; Mark 11:9


The shouts of hallelujah could not be over-emphasised, as it is a shout of joy for victory that has been won for us by our saviour Christ Rev.19: 1,3,4,6. After these things heard a great voice of much people in heaving saying alleluia. As the scriptures have it that man is created to continually give thanks and praise to God as the angels in heaven are continually singing praises to God, so the C&S Church on earth always use the shouts of hallelujah, hosanna and iye as praises and worship to the true God of Israel, the great king who has saved us Matt.21: 9&15; Mark 11:9


We are clad in white robe or garment based on the beliefs that: – It is our robe to eternity when we die while awaiting to be caught up with Christ. (1 Thess. 4:17) – It signifies purity. As the lord we serve is a holy one, it is therefore imperative for a true seraph to be pure in attitude and deeds.

As revealed to Apostle John in the book of Rev.3:4 that says ‘He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my father and his angels.’ This is showing that true seraphs are the redeemed ones; they are the overcomers. Rev, 4:4 confirms it that the 24 elders as representatives of the believers or the angelic order are worshiping and serving God with white.

Other chapters in the scripture also confirms this (Rev.7; 9-15; Lev 16: 4). So the true seraphs are worshipping and serving God in white with the conviction that they would be robbed in white at the end of time.

The white garment is what the Archangels of the lord put on while serving God. The seraphs likewise put on the white garment to symbolize our righteousness before God, and to preach or to remind us of the Second Coming of Christ. (Dan.7;9; Rev.4;4,7; 9,19;8 and 14)

There are other coloured garments worn for special prayers or worship as the case may be.:


The Red garments and girdle are worn as a symbol of victory in the blood of Christ. The colour red signifies victory over sin, over the great dragon, the enemy of God’s people. Prophets and other elders usually wear it, such as: Senior Apostles, Special Apostles and the spiritual father (Baba Aladura). These people have the privilege of wearing the non white garment. Other colours which are worn on several occasions are Yellow, Purple and B


In some Christian church services, the Girdle is seen as part of an article of liturgical attire that is usually an accompaniment of the Eucharistic vestments. This is usually worn simply for convenient movement during sacrament services. In the Cherubim and Seraphim Church, the wearing of girdle has a spiritual significance. It is a symbol of readiness for spiritual warfare as well as a symbol for royalty and priesthood (Eph 6: 14), which is a symbolic clothing of the messiah in Isaiah 11:5. it is also in accordance to these biblical references as a mode of dressing: Lev.8: 4-10; Ex28: 4-5. Priests normally wear it upon the loin around the breast. It could be made out of fine linen, leather or sackcloth as it was in the olden days: Rev 1: 13; 1 Kings 2: 5, Jer. 13:1&11; Ezek 16:10. It was also as directed by the lord to Moses: Ex.39:29 . Likewise, the angels do wear colorful girdle: Rev15: 6. Elijah’s mode of dressing also signifies this:11 Kings 1:8. John the Baptist’s mode of dressing: Mk. 1:6-8; Matt.3:4 Jesus is a shining example of girdle wearing : Rev.1:13, 15:5-8 . It was part of Apostle Paul’s mode of dressing: Act.21: 10-11 .

It is for righteousness: Isaiah 11:1-9; Eph 6: 14 It is also known to be a symbol of readiness Nah 2: 1 ; Jon.13 :4 Girdling up to service of the lord Lk 17 :8 For strength Pro.13:17 It is a prophetic staff of office Psalm.20:8


This is another controversial issue that needs to be understood properly. The lord only forbids the incense that is been specifically used for the worship of idols, but not that he did not delight in the burning of a sweet smell of incense. It is the sweet smell of incense that takes the prayers of saints to God (Rev. 5:8,8:4;Ps. 141:2). The use of incense is a directive from God to his people to always burn incense for the worship of the Lord God of Israel (Ex 30:1, 40:5).


This is based on the service where the Lord God made a covenant with our Father Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase, that at the observance of his service, He the Lord shall descend in their midst to heal and to deliver those in bondage. Furthermore, this is the service where the spirit of the lord of Israel made a covenant with the Seraphs to spiritually baptize those that seek the spirit of the lord just like in the day of the Pentecost. It is also the day which the lord saves and gives victory to his people. Bible references are (Ex12: 42; Matt 25:6,26:40&41: Act . 12:6-13, 16:25-31).

This is due to the fact that our God whom we serve is holy. Everything that will be done before him should be done in Holiness as specified in the book of John 4:24. Therefore, the prayer house is expected to be a holy place of worship that must be kept clear from any form of uncleanness
In Ex3: 5-6, Moses was ordered to take off his shoes as the place where he was standing is meant to be a holy land consecrated to the Lord. Another example is about Joshua in the book of Josh 5: 13-15. In the western world where other denominations wear shoes into the divine service, the reason could be that because the climate in the country they live in is a cold one, this requires them to have their shoes on at all times. But Seraphs whose mode of worship was founded in the tropics are mandated to follow God’s command to both Moses and Joshua and also because we have been given the knowledge of the secret of the kingdom of heaven.

The ringing of the bell three times before the start of a service symbolises a call to the service of the lord (Ex.19: 9

Ps. 81:3; Isaiah 27:13). This is used to replace the sound of a trumpet. Many chapters in the scriptures right from the Old Testament establish the fact that saints of God sing and dance in praise to God. In genesis we are told how Noah gave thanks and praises with burnt offering to God after the flood. Though the bible doesn’t specifically mention it, it is possible that Noah did sing and dance in appreciation and praises to God. Abraham did the same by praising God after his promises were fulfilled when his wife gave birth to a baby in her old age Gen.21: 1-2.
Ps.92: 1 says, ‘It is a good thing to give thanks and sing praises unto thy name, o most high’. Others include Ps.149: 2-4, 150:1-end; Isaiah 38: 17-20: Ps 98. 4-8. All these highlight the necessity of singing and dancing before the Lord God of Israel.

In the book of Joshua, the people of Israel were ordered by the Lord to dance round the wall of Jericho and the wall was mysteriously pulled down by the dancing and shouts of hallelujah. Therefore singing and dancing play a very important role in the mode of Seraphs’ worship (Ps. 47:1-2; 11 Kings : 12 -13, Isaiah 55:2 and Eze . 6:11).


This is due to the fact that our God whom we serve is holy. Everything that will be done before him should be done in Holiness as specified in the book of John 4:24. Therefore, the prayer house is expected to be a holy place of worship that must be kept clear from any form of uncleanness. In Ex3: 5-6, Moses was ordered to take off his shoes as the place where he was standing is meant to be a holy land consecrated to the Lord. Another example is about Joshua in the book of Josh 5: 13-15. In the western world where other denominations wear shoes into the divine service, the reason could be that because the climate in the country they live in is a cold one, this requires them to have their shoes on at all times. But Seraphs whose mode of worship was founded in the tropics are mandated to follow God’s to both Moses and Joshua and also because ‘we have been given the knowledge of the secret of the kingdom of heaven.


The use of candles in the Cherubim & Seraphim Church is biblical. We light candles to represent the presence of our lord Jesus Christ while praying as we believe that Christ is the light of our life that guides and controls our prayer sessions. In the revelations of John, he saw seven candles burning in the temple of God signifying the seven spirits of God (Rev, 4:5. 1:12 &20 ) Other references in the bible are Zech 4:2; Num.8: 1-3; Ex.25: 37; Lev 24:1-4.


What is fasting? It is another means by which we can voluntarily abstain from what we enjoy for the Lord. Fasting with prayers is done to enable us to communicate with Lord and obtain spiritual results. It is important that when you fast you do it unto the Lord and you do it properly.

In the book of Matthew 6:16-18, the Lord tells us that when we fast, we are to do it unto the Lord. Here, the Lord also gives us guidelines on how to fast and he also stressed further that healing could never take place without prayer and fasting (Matt.17-21) Fasting is referenced is so many places in the bible right from the Old Testament through the new testament. It has always been one of the ways of communicating one’s needs and a way of requesting forgiveness from God.

The Israelites, usually fasted when they had sinned against God as God usually delivered them to their enemies for punishment. But when they fasted and prayed, God always saved them from their enemies. Another great example on how fasting was used was Queen Esther’s call for a fast in the book of Esther 4: 6. On this occasion, Queen Esther used fasting as another tool to aid her prayers. There are many reasons for fasting and each person fasts to communicate and make certain requests from God. Some of the reasons for fasting are as follows: We receive spiritual cleansing and our spiritual eyes are opened, and we also obtain victory over the devil. When Jesus encountered Satan, He was able to overcome Him because His fasting had given Him spiritual strength. Isaiah 58:6 also gives us light on this purpose of fasting: “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?” Many people believe that fasting is to move the hand of God, when in actuality it is to make Satan turn loose of the things he is holding.

Fasting looses the bands of wickedness. When Jesus discussed the keys to the kingdom, He told us to bind and loose. When we fast, we loose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, set the oppressed free, and break every yoke of the enemy. Fasting is an important key to getting the victory over hard situations that do not seem to respond to normal prayer. Fasting builds our faith. In fact, this is what Jesus meant when he spoke to the disciples in Matthew 17:21 in answer to why they were not able to cast a demon out of a child. He said, “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” He was telling them if they wanted their faith to be at such a level as to be able to cast out demons, then they must fast and pray for their faith to increase. Fasting also makes it easier for us to hear the voice of the Lord. We find an account of this in Acts 13:2-3. Other biblical references to people who fasted to aid their prayers are: – The people of Nineveh who fasted to avert God’s wrath (Jonah 3:6-10) Moses fasted for forty days and forty night to obtain the tablet of covenant and the ten commandments(Ex. 34:28) Elijah fasted for days and nights (1 Kings 19:8) King Darius fasted for deliverance of Daniel from the lion’s den (Daniel 6:18) Jesus set an example for fasting for forty days & nights (Matt 4: 1-2 , Isaiah 58:1-end).


The ringing of the bell three times before the start of a service symbolizing a call to the service of the lord (Ex.19: 19;Ps. 81:3; Isaiah 27:13). This is used to replace the sound of a trumpet.


Many chapters in the scriptures right from the Old Testament establish the fact that saints of God sing and dance in praise to God. In genesis we are told how Noah gave thanks and praises with burnt offering to God after the flood. Though the bible doesn’t specifically mention it, it is possible that Noah did sing and dance in appreciation and praises to God. Abraham did the same by praising God after his promises were fulfilled when his wife gave birth to a baby in her old age Gen.21: 1-2. Ps.92: 1 says, ‘It is a good thing to give thanks and sing praises unto thy name, o most high’ Ps.149: 2-4, 150:1-end; Isaiah 38: 17-20: Ps.98.4-8. All these highlight the necessity of singing and dancing before the lord God of Israel. In the book of Joshua, the people of Israel were ordered by the lord to dance round the wall of Jericho and the wall was mysteriously pulled down by the dancing and shouts of hallelujah. Therefore singing and dancing play a very important role in the mode of Seraphs worship (Ps. 47:1-2; 11 Kings11: 12 -13, Isiah 55:2 and Eze . 6:11).


Water is one of the necessities of life. It is a scientific fact that three quarters of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Whilst it is a biblical fact that when God created the heaven and earth, the earth was all water, until God commanded water “beneath the sky be gathered into oceans so that dry land can emerge”. In the beginning, the spirit of God was hovering and moving upon the surface of the water (Gen.1: 2).

Ps 24:2 says, ‘for he founded it upon the sea, and established it upon the flood.’ This biblical verse explained how powerful water is that God had to create the earth and found it upon the waters. Water is so endowed with power that it is of universal use and it plays a very important role in man’s existence.

So water is one of those secrets of creation. An adage says; “No one makes an enemy of water” to prove how much we all need it. When the Cherubim and Seraphim way of worship started in Nigeria, one of the agents used in prayer was water. Scores of people with ailments came to the Evangelist, Moses Orimolade (Baba Aladura), with bottles of water in their hands. He would simply pray and bless the water, sometimes from a distance, and healing miracles occurred!

Looking deep into the scriptures, we will find the Old and New testament is full of examples of special uses of water. Examples are for Ordination (Ex 30: 18-20); Cleansing (Ex 40; 7-32, Ezek 36:25), Purification (Ex 19:10); Baptism (Matt 1:9-10), Acts 8: 36-39), and Sanctification (Eph 5: 26)

Many now question the need to pray into water for any purpose, especially for healing, when one can simply open one’s mouth and pray to God. This is where faith comes in. It is an act of faith, in the first instance to hold water in a bottle, and ask someone to pray to sanctify, or purify it for a curative or ordination or cleansing purpose.

Thus, the familiar story of Naaman, the Syrian military chief, who reluctantly washed seven times in the river of Jordan to be cleansed of Leprosy, is a lesson in the exercise of faith(11 Kings 5:10). Like water is a good conductor of electricity, so it seems that it is a good “conductor” of prayers of faith. But some still condemn this as an Old Testament ritualism.

In the New Testament in particular, we will find out that most healing deliverance and miracles were performed on or in water by our lord Jesus Christ.

An example was the lord’s first miracle performed at Canaan in Galilee when he turned water into wine. Other examples are: The story of Christ walking on water (Matt 8:26) The commanding of the turbulent water to be still (Matt 4: 25 – 27) Jesus’ directing of a blind man to wash in the pool of Siloam (John 9: 1-8), after which he received sight.

In the book of John 9:2-9, we read about the phenomenon of an angel who came, occasionally, to stir up the pool of Bethesda to give healing to only the first person to jump in. These episodes indicate that our lord believed in the use of water in faith and healing. The C & S Church, therefore, being a Spiritual Church, strongly believes in the sanctified water, but we also believe that God can perform miracles without any agent. To make our position clear, the only “AGENTS” approved by the Church for healing is WATER and ANOINTING OIL. All others are not recognised. The Church abhors any ritualistic practices, as being outdated and unchristian, because the mighty name of Jesus is adequate for our use. But, as we drink water every day, and it goes into our system, when it goes with our prayers and faith, it would work wonders.


Members of the fold are ordained according to their roles and status with the church. Ordination is the appointing of members to a specific role and/or status within the church The first and generic ordination takes place following baptism ( approximately age 14 upwards) and this is for the title of PRAYERIST (Aladura) and from thence members are ordained to higher ranks as listed below accordingly over the years in their work in the church ministry. Some members believe they are only called only to be Teachers or Evangelists and remain at this ordination title but their service is still as diligent as that of others with a higher ranking title

Male ordination Elder Brother Teacher Evangelist Apostle Senior Apostle Most Senior Apostle Special Apostle

Female ordination

Elder sister Lady Leader Senior Lady Leader Mother in Israel Senior Mother in Israel Most Senior Mother in Israel Special Mother in Israel.


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